Engagement film Coombe Abbey park – Mandave and Rachna

I had the pleasure of filming Mandave’s and Rachna’s wedding two days ago and was able to capture a beautiful union between two very special people. Today I would like to present the engagement film that Mandave and Rachna shot in Combe Abbey Park in Coventry.
The video showcases just how much Mandave and Rachna mean to each other, with the smiles they hold for each other being noticeable from a great distance. The beautiful surrounding compliments the tender love that they share and celebrates how at one they are with each other.
The two share a loving kiss as the beautiful sun shines down on them approvingly, only added to the already electric atmosphere Mandave and Rachna share. The two celebrate each other’s beauty, while embracing the beauty that nature has offered them.
I felt very honoured to shoot such a wonderful couple within such a natural surrounding. Mandave and Rachna explored the environment as the sun shone through the beautiful landscape. The sun began to set later on in the day making the embraces the two share even more romantic. A wedding says a lot about the love that two people share, but the engagement video that was prepared for Mandave’s and Rachna’s wedding really details what makes their relationship so special. Without either of them saying a word, it is evident how special they are to each other.
The engagement film also highlights their playful side, showing that there is just as much laughter in the relationship as there is love.
I believes that an engagement film or wedding video should be more than a recording of an event. It should be able to capture the love and emotion shared between a couple of love, as well as the atmosphere their